NAURU - New Shores
The two-year project “Nauru Game for Active Citizenship of Europe” if funded from the European Union within the Erasmus+ programme. It has been implemented since February 2017 by the Centre for System Solutionsin partnership with the Hungarian Rogers Foundation and the Slovakian organization TANDEM n.o. The main objective of the project is to shape citizens’ attitudes and increase the awareness of social participation, sustainable development and climate change among young citizens of Europe. To reach these aims, the partnership is developing innovative internet tools – a game and an e-learning platform. In 2017/2018, informational events for educators are held in all three partner countries to test the game and its accompanying materials. In 2018, on the other hand, trainings for future moderators are planned in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to teach them how to prepare a game-based workshop and use the e-learning platform in their daily work with youth.
New Shores – a Game for Democracy is a multiplayer internet game that requires communication between players. Participants land on a desert island. It is rich with coal deposits and covered with a green forest full of trees and berries. The new settlers can get engaged in a variety of activities in their new home. They may use the island’s resources, upgrade their private houses or invest in public buildings. Each action has a specific effect on individuals, communities, economy or nature. The people are getting rich, the level of education or culture is increasing. At the same time new threats appear when the island is hit by hurricanes and floods. Soon players realize that they have to set some common rules to secure their well-being. Will they reach an agreement? Will everyone follow the rules? Or maybe someone will choose to multiply their wealth rather than cooperate with the neighbours? The game is simple and intuitive – it doesn’t require any advanced computer skills. Although it is an internet game, it offers a social experience. It entails negotiation and cooperation, and often triggers empathy and charitable attitudes in players.
Program: Erasmus+
Project ID: 2016-3-PL01-KA205-035320
Duration: 24 months (1 Febr 2017 - 31 Jan 2019)
Amount granted: 87 810 EUR
Stowarzyszenie Centrum Rozwiązań Systemowych, Poľsko (koordinátor)
Nadácia Rogers, Maďarsko
TANDEM n.o., Slovensko
Project website:
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."